
Emma Davis graduated in 1994 and has gone on to explore her painting style over the years. Davis’s work is a celebration of her love of colour, texture and form. 


Emma Davis graduated in 1994 and has gone on to explore her painting style over the years. Davis’s work is a celebration of her love of colour, texture and form. She has tackled them with gusto, creating the first few images as experiments and then almost destroying them to allow her to free up and push them past the point of being something safe to something much more exciting. They are textured, overworked and rubbed and scratched back. Sometimes nothing of the starting image remains visible, she is never sure what the final image is going to look like until it appears and that is all part of the exciting process. Davis listens to music while she paints the titles chosen in her compositions are single words taken from the songs that have influenced her whilst in her studio. 

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